www.scivisionmedical.com - SciVision Medical

Salli Saddle Chairs

"Sitting" does not get better than on Salli.

Good Posture

Good Movement

High Energy Levels

Why Salli?

Back problems are the most common cause of sick leaves in the world today, causing much suffering. The causes are many and varied, but our increasingly sedentary lifestyle is a major contributing factor.


Salli Systems is the leading developer in sitting health and  avoiding sitting disorders (SD). Our innovative work and effective  development since 1990 have taken us furthest on the way towards  understanding how to attain good sitting health.


It is based on science and medicine. It consists of all the parts of  sitting physiology that are needed to gain stable health in sedentary  jobs.

  • Be aware of the potential and possibilities of high-quality sitting environment
  • Use two-part swing-models, the seat of which adapts to your  movements, e-table, helpful accessories and high-quality  height-adjustable monitors
  • Be motivated and learn to adjust and use the furniture in the optimum way
  • Use sitting- and circulation-friendly clothing that does not press your soft tissues and disturb circulation
  • Exercise often enough to boost the brain, energy and circulation:  Stand & Stretch, Sit & Swing, Roll & Reach, Walk & Talk,  Work & Gym (have some exercise equipment near to where you work) 

By adopting all this you will avoid sitting disorders and most MSD, such as back pains, fatigue, and poor posture. You will stay healthier  and be much more energetic and productive.


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